
EURLEX ID:32011R0547

OJ编号:OJ L 155, 11.6.2011, p. 176-205

中文标题:委员会条例(EU) No 547/2011,就植物保护产品的标签要求,实施欧洲议会和理事会条例(EC) No 1107/2009

原文标题:Commission Regulation (EU) No 547/2011 of 8 June 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards labelling requirements for plant protection products (1)


文件类型:二级立法 Regulation|条例




L 155/176
Official Journal of the European Union
of 8 June 2011
implementing Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council as
regards labelling requirements for plant protection products
(Text with EEA relevance)
(3) Provisions
packaging and concerning plant protection products
which are to be used for experiments or tests for
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European
research or development purposes.
(4) The
accordance with the opinion of the Standing
Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the
Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health,
European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009
concerning the placing of plant protection products on the
market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and
91/414/EEC ( 1 ), and in particular Article 65(1) thereof,
Article 1
The labelling of plant protection products shall comply with the
requirements, as set out in Annex I, and contain, where
approriate, the standard phrases for special risks to human or
(1) In
the animal health or to the environment, as set out in Annex II, and
labelling requirements set out in Article 16 of Directive
the standard phrases for safety precautions for the protection of
91/414/EEC of the Council of 15 July 1991 concerning
human or animal health or of the environment, as set out in
the placing of plant protection products on the market ( 2 )
Annex III.
and in Annexes IV and V thereto, are to continue to
apply under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009.
Article 2
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day
(2) It
following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the
lation (EC) No 1107/2009 to adopt a regulation incor
European Union.
porating those labelling requirements for plant protection
products with any necessary modifications, such as
updating references.
It shall apply from 14 June 2011.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 8 June 2011.
For the Commission
The President
José Manuel BARROSO
( 1 ) OJ L 309, 24.11.2009, p. 1.
( 2 ) OJ L 230, 19.8.1991, p. 1.

11.6.2011 Official
Union L
(1) The following information shall be included clearly and indelibly on the packaging of plant protection products:
(a) the trade name or designation of the plant protection product;
(b) the name and address of the holder of the authorisation and the authorisation number of the plant protection
product and, if different, the name and address of the person responsible for the final packaging and labelling or
for the final labelling of the plant protection product on the market;
(c) the name of each active substance expressed as provided for in Article 10 (2.3) of Directive 1999/45/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council ( 1 ) with clear indication of the chemical form. The name must be as
given in the list contained in Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the
Council ( 2 ) or, if not included therein, its ISO common name. If the latter is not available, the active substance
shall be designated by its chemical designation according to IUPAC rules;
(d) the concentration of each active substance expressed as follows:
(i) for solids, aerosols, volatile liquids (maximum boiling point 50 °C) or viscous liquids (lower limit 1 Pa s at
20 °C), as % w/w and g/kg,
(ii) for other liquids/gel formulations, as % w/w and g/l,
(iii) for gases, as% v/v and % w/w.
If the active substance is a micro-organism, its content shall be expressed as the number of active units per volume or
weight or any other matter that is relevant to the micro-organism, e.g. colony forming units per gram (cfu/g);
(e) the net quantity of plant protection product given in: g or kg for solid formulations, g, kg, ml or l for gases and
ml or l for liquid formulations;
(f) the
(g) information on first aid;
(h) the nature of any special risks to human or animal health or to the environment, by means of standard phrases
selected by the competent authority, as appropriate, from those set out in Annex II;
(i) safety precautions for the protection of human or animal health or of the environment, in the form of standard
phrases selected by the competent authority, as appropriate, from those set out in Annex III;
(j) the type of action of the plant protection product (e.g. insecticide, growth regulator, herbicide, fungicide, etc.) and
the mode of action;
(k) the type of preparation (e.g. wettable powder, emulsifiable concentrate, etc.);
(l) the uses for which the plant protection product has been authorised and any specific agricultural, plant health
and environmental conditions under which the product may be used or shall not be used;
(m) directions for and conditions of use and the dose rate including where appropriate the maximum dose per
hectare per application and the maximum number of applications per year. The dose rate is expressed in metric
units, for each use provided for under the terms of the authorisation;
( 1 ) OJ L 200, 30.7.1999, p. 1.
( 2 ) OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1.

L 155/178
Official Journal of the European Union
(n) where appropriate, the safety interval for each use between the last application and:
(i) sowing or planting of the crop to be protected,
(ii) sowing or planting of succeeding crops,
(iii) access by humans or animals,
(iv) harvesting,
(v) use or consumption;
(o) particulars of possible phytotoxicity, varietal susceptibility, and any other direct or indirect adverse side effects on
plants or products of plant origin together with the intervals to be observed between application and sowing or
planting of:
— the crop in question, or
— subsequent and adjacent crops;
(p) if accompanied by a leaflet, as set out in point 2, the sentence ‘Read accompanying instructions before use’;
(q) directions for appropriate conditions of storage, safe disposal of the plant protection product and of the
(r) where necessary, the expiry date for normal conditions of storage;
(s) a prohibition concerning the re-use of packaging, except by the authorisation holder and on condition that
packaging has been specifically designed in order to allow re-use by the authorisation holder;
(t) any
(EC) No 1107/2009;
(u) the categories of users allowed to use the plant protection product, where use is limited to certain categories.
(2) The information required by points 1-(m), (n), (o), (q), (r) and (t) may be indicated on a separate leaflet accompanying
the package if the space available on the package is too small. Such a leaflet shall be regarded as part of the label.
(3) In no circumstances may the label of the packaging of a plant protection product bear the indications ‘non-toxic’,
‘harmless’, or similar indications. However, information that the plant protection product may be used when bees or
other non target species are active, or when crops or weeds are in flower or other such phrases to protect bees, or
phrases with similar information concerning the protection of bees or of other non-target species, may be included in
the label, if the authorisation explicitly allows use under such conditions.
(4) Member States may make the placing of plant protection products on the market in their territories subject to their
being labelled in their national language or languages.
(5) By way of derogation from point (1), labelling and packaging of plant protection products to be used for experiments
or tests for research or development purposes, as provided for in Article 54 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, need
only comply with points (1)(b), (c), (d), (j), (k) of this Annex. The label shall include information required by the
permit for trial purposes, provided for in Article 54(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 and the words ‘product
intended for experimental use, not fully characterised, handle with extreme care’.

11.6.2011 Official
Union L
The following additional standard phrases are defined to supplement the phrases provided for by Directive 1999/45/EC,
which applies to plant protection products. The provisions of that Directive shall also be used for plant protection
products containing micro-organisms, including viruses, as active substances. The labelling of products containing micro-
organisms, including viruses, as active substances shall also reflect the provisions concerning dermal and respiratory
sensitisation testing which are laid down in part B of the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 544/2011 ( 1 ) and
part B of the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 545/2011 ( 2 ).
The standard phrases for special risks are without prejudice to Annex I.
1. Standard
1.1. Special risks related to humans (RSh)
RSh 1
BG: Токсичен при контакт с очите.
ES: Tóxico en contacto con los ojos.
CS: Toxick pi styku s oima.
DA: Giftig ved kontakt med jnene.
DE: Giftig bei Kontakt mit den Augen.
ET: Mürgine silma sattumisel.
EL: Τοξικ ταν ρθει σε επαφ με τα μτια.
EN: Toxic by eye contact.
FR: Toxique par contact oculaire.
IT: Tossico
LV: Toksisks nonākot saskarē ar acīm.
LT: Toksika patekus akis.
HU: Szemmel érintkezve mérgez.
MT: Tossiku meta jmiss ma’ l-gajnejn.
NL: Giftig bij oogcontact.
PL: Dziaa toksycznie w kontakcie z oczami.
PT: Tóxico por contacto com os olhos.
RO: Toxic n contact cu ochii!
SK: Jedovat pri kontakte s oami.
SL: Strupeno v stiku z omi.
( 1 ) See page 1 of this Official Journal.
( 2 ) See page 67 of this Official Journal.

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Official Journal of the European Union
FI: Myrkyllist
SV: Giftigt vid kontakt med gonen.
RSh 2
BG: Може да причини фотосенсибилизация.
ES: Puede causar fotosensibilización.
CS: Me vyvolat fotosenzibilizaci.
DA: Kan give overflsomhed over for sollys/UV-strling.
DE: Sensibilisierung durch Licht mglich.
ET: Vib phjustada valgussensibiliseerimist.
EL: Μπορε να προκαλσει φωτοευαισθητοποηση.
EN: May cause photosensitisation.
FR: Peut entraner une photosensibilisation.
IT: Può
LV: Var izraisīt fotosensibilizāciju.
LT: Gali sukelti fotosensibilizacij.
HU: Fényérzékenységet okozhat.
MT: Jista’ jikkawa fotosensitiazzjoni.
NL: Kan fotosensibilisatie veroorzaken.
PL: Moe powodowa nadwraliwo na wiato.
PT: Pode causar fotossensibilizao.
RO: Poate cauza fotosensibilitate!
SK: Me spsobi fotosenzibilizáciu.
SL: Lahko povzroi preobutljivost na svetlobo.
FI: Voi
SV: Kan orsaka verknslighet fr solljus/UV-strlning.
RSh 3
BG: Контактът с парите причинява изгаряния на кожата и очите, контактът с течността причинява измръзвания.
ES: El contacto con los vapores provoca quemaduras de la piel y de los ojos; el contacto con el producto líquido
provoca congelación.
CS: Pi styku s parami zpsobuje poleptání ke a oí a pi styku s kapalinou zpsobuje omrzliny.
DA: Kontakt med dampe giver tsninger p hud og jne, og kontakt med vske giver forfrysninger.
DE: Kontakt mit Dmpfen verursacht Vertzungen an Haut und Augen und Kontakt mit der Flüssigkeit verursacht

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ET: Kokkupuude auruga phjustab pletushaavu nahale ja silmadele ning kokkupuude vedelikuga phjustab
EL: Οι ατμο μπορε να προκαλσουν εγκαματα στο δρμα και στα μτιαη επαφ με το υγρ μπορε να προκαλσει
EN: Contact with vapour causes burns to skin and eyes and contact with liquid causes freezing.
FR: Le contact avec les vapeurs peut provoquer des brlures de la peau et des yeux; le contact avec le gaz liquide
peut causer des engelures.
IT: Il contatto con il vapore può causare ustioni della pelle e bruciori agli occhi; il contatto con il liquido può
causare congelamento.
LV: Saskare ar tvaikiem izraisa ādas un acu apdegumus un saskare ar idrumu izraisa apsaldējumus.
LT: Garai sukelia odos ir aki nudegim, skystis- nualim.
HU: Az anyag gzével való érintkezés a br és a szem égési sérülését okozhatja, illetve a folyadékkal való érintkezés
fagyást okozhat.
MT: Kuntatt mal-fwar jikkawa ruq fil-ilda u fl-gajnejn filwaqt li kuntatt mal-likwidu jikkawa iffriar.
NL: Contact met de damp veroorzaakt brandwonden aan huid en ogen; contact met de vloeistof veroorzaakt
PL: Kontakt z oparami powoduje poparzenia skóry i oczu, kontakt z ciecz powoduje zamarzanie.
PT: O contacto com vapores do produto provoca queimadura na pele e nos olhos; o contacto com o produto
líquido provoca congelao.
RO: Contactul cu vaporii cauzeaz arsuri ale pielii i ochilor, iar contactul cu lichidul cauzeaz degerturi!
SK: Pri kontakte s parou spsobuje popáleniny pokoky a oí a kontakt s kvapalinou spsobuje omrzliny.
SL: Stik s hlapi povzroa opekline koe in oi, stik s tekoino povzroa ozebline.
FI: Kosketus hyryyn voi aiheuttaa palovammoja iholle ja silmiin ja kosketus nesteeseen paleltumavammoja.
SV: Kontakt med ngor orsakar frtskador p hud och gon, kontakt med vtska orsakar frfrysningsskador.
1.2. Special risks related to the environment (RSe)
2. Attribution
2.1. Attribution criteria for standard phrases related to humans
RSh 1
Toxic by eye contact.
The phrase shall be assigned where an eye irritation test according to point 7.1.5 of part A of the Annex to
Regulation (EU) No 545/2011 has resulted in overt signs of systemic toxicity (e.g. related to cholinesterase
inhibition) or mortality among the animals tested, which is likely to be attributable to absorption of the active
substance through the mucous membranes of the eye. The risk phrase shall also be applied if there is evidence in
humans for systemic toxicity after eye contact.
Eye protection shall be specified in these cases, as outlined in the general provisions of Annex III.

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Official Journal of the European Union
RSh 2
May cause photosensitisation.
The phrase shall be assigned where there is clear evidence from experimental systems or documented human
exposure that products show photosensitising effects. The phrase shall also be applied to products containing a
given active substance or formulation ingredient, which shows photosensitising effects in humans if the product
contains this photosensitising component at a concentration of 1 % (w/w) or higher.
Personal protective measures shall be specified in these cases, as outlined in the general provisions of
Annex III.
RSh 3
Contact with vapour causes burns to skin and eyes and contact with liquid causes freezing.
The phrase shall be assigned to plant-protection products being formulated as liquefied gas, where appropriate (e.g.
preparations of methyl bromide). Personal protective measures shall be specified in these cases, as outlined in the
general provisions of Annex III.
This phrase shall not be used in cases where risk phrases R34 or R35, as set out in Directive 1999/45/EC, are
2.2. Attribution criteria for standard phrases related to the environment

11.6.2011 Official
Union L
The following additional standard phrases are defined to supplement the phrases provided for by Directive 1999/45/EC,
which applies to plant-protection products. The provisions of that Directive shall also be used for plant-protection
products containing micro-organisms, including viruses, as active substances. The labelling of products containing
micro-organisms, including viruses, as active substances shall also reflect the provisions concerning dermal and respiratory
sensitisation testing which are laid down in part B of the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 544/2011 and part B of the
Annex to Regulation (EU) No 545/2011.
The standard phrases for safety precautions are without prejudice to Annex I.
1. General
All plant-protection products shall be labelled with the following phrase, which shall be supplemented by the text in
parentheses, as appropriate:
SP 1
BG: Да не се замърсяват водите с този продукт или с неговата опаковка. (Да не се почиства използваната техника в
близост до повърхностни води/Да се избягва замърсяване чрез отточни канали на ферми или пътища.).
ES: No contaminar el agua con el producto ni con su envase. [No limpiar el equipo de aplicación del producto cerca
de aguas superficiales/Evítese la contaminación a través de los sistemas de evacuación de aguas de las explo
taciones o de los caminos.]
CS: Nezneiujte vody pípravkem nebo jeho obalem. (Neistěte aplikaní zaízení v blízkosti povrchovch
vod/Zabrate kontaminaci vod splachem z farem a z cest).
DA: Undg forurening af vandmiljet med produktet eller med beholdere, der har indeholdt produktet. [Rens ikke
sprjteudstyr nr overfladevand/Undg forurening via drn fra grdspladser og veje].
DE: Mittel und/oder dessen Behlter nicht in Gewsser gelangen lassen. (Ausbringungsgerte nicht in unmittelbarer
Nhe von Oberflchengewssern reinigen/Indirekte Eintrge über Hofund Straenablufe verhindern.)
ET: Vltida vahendi vi selle pakendi vette sattumist (Seadmeid pinnavee lhedal mitte puhastada/Vltida saastamist
lbi lauda ja teede drenaazhide).
EL: Μην μολνετε το νερ με το προν τη συσκευασα του. [Να μην πλνετε τον εξοπλισμ εφαρμογ κοντ σε
επιφανειακ δατα/Να αποφευχθε η μλυνση μσω των συστημτων αποχτευση απ τι λιθστρωτε επιφνειε και
του δρμου.]
EN: Do not contaminate water with the product or its container (Do not clean application equipment near surface
water/Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads).
FR: Ne pas polluer l’eau avec le produit ou son emballage. [Ne pas nettoyer le matériel d’application près des eaux
de surface./ viter la contamination via les systèmes d’évacuation des eaux à partir des cours de ferme ou des
IT: Non contaminare l’acqua con il prodotto o il suo contenitore. [Non pulire il materiale d’applicazione in
prossimità delle acque di superficie./Evitare la contaminazione attraverso i sistemi di scolo delle acque dalle
aziende agricole e dalle strade.]
LV: Nepiesārot ūdeni ar augu aizsardzības līdzekli un tā iepakojumu/ netīrīt smidzināanas tehniku ūdenstilpju un
ūdensteu tuvumā/izsargāties no piesāroanas caur drenāu no pagalmiem un ceiem.

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Official Journal of the European Union
LT: Neuterti vandens augal apsaugos produktu ar jo pakuote (Neplauti purkimo rengini alia pavirinio
vandens telkini/ vengti taros per drena i sodyb ar nuo keli).
HU: A termékkel vagy annak tartályával ne szennyezze a vizeket. (A berendezést vagy annak részeit ne tisztítsa
felszíni vizek kzelében/kerülje a gazdaságban vagy az utakon lév vízelvezetkn keresztül való szennye
MT: Tikkontaminax ilma bil-prodott jew il-kontenitur tiegu (Tnaddafx apparat li jintua gall-applikazzjoni qrib
ilma tax-xita/Ara li ma jkunx hemm kontaminazzjoni minn btiei u toroq).
NL: Zorg ervoor dat u met het product of zijn verpakking geen water verontreinigt. [Reinig de apparatuur niet in de
buurt van oppervlaktewater/Zorg ervoor dat het water niet via de afvoer van erven of wegen kan worden
PL: Nie zanieczyszcza wód produktem lub jego opakowaniem (Nie my aparatury w pobliu wód powierzch
niowych/Unika zanieczyszczania wód poprzez rowy odwadniajce z gospodarstw i dróg).
PT: No poluir a água com este produto ou com a sua embalagem. [No limpar o equipamento de aplicao perto
de águas de superfície./Evitar contaminaes pelos sistemas de evacuao de águas das exploraes agrícolas e
RO: A nu se contamina apa cu produsul sau cu ambalajul su (a nu se cura echipamentele de aplicare n apropierea
apelor de suprafa/a se evita contaminarea prin sistemele de evacuare a apelor din ferme sau drumuri)!
SK: Nezneisujte vodu prípravkom alebo jeho obalom (Neistite aplikané zariadenie v blízkosti povrchovch
vd/Zabráte kontaminácii prostredníctvom odtokovch kanálov z ponohospodárskych dvorov a vozoviek).
SL: S sredstvom ali njegovo embalao ne onesnaevati vode. (Naprav za nanaanje ne istiti ali izplakovati v bliini
povrinskih voda./Prepreiti onesnaenje preko drenanih in odtonih jarkov na kmetijskih zemljiih in cestah.)
FI: l saastuta vett tuotteella tai sen pakkauksella. (l puhdista levityslaitteita pintaveden lhettyvill./Vlt
saastumista piha- ja maantieojien kautta.)
SV: Frorena inte vatten med produkten eller dess behllare. (Rengr inte sprututrustning i nrheten av vattendrag/
Undvik frorening via avrinning frn grdsplaner och vgar.)
2. Specific
2.1. Safety precautions for operators (SPo)
G e n e r a l p r o v i s i o n s
1. Member States may identify suitable personal protective equipment for operators and prescribe specific elements
of this equipment (e.g. coveralls, apron, gloves, sturdy shoes, rubber boots, face protection, face shield, tightly
fitting glasses, hat, hood or respirator of a specified type). Such supplementary safety precautions shall be without
prejudice to the standard phrases applicable according to Directive 1999/45/EC.
2. Member States may further identify the specific tasks which require particular protective equipment, such as
mixing, loading or handling the undiluted product, applying or spraying the diluted product, handling recently
treated materials like plants or soil or entering recently treated areas.
3. Member States may add specifications of engineering controls, such as:
— a closed transfer system must be used when transferring the pesticide from the product container to the spray
— the operator must work within a closed cabin (with an air conditioning/air filtration system) during spraying,
— engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if they provide an equal or higher standard of

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Union L
S p e c i f i c p r o v i s i o n s
SPo 1
BG: При контакт с кожата, първо да се отстрани продукта със суха кърпа и след това кожата да се измие обилно с
ES: En caso de contacto con la piel, elimínese primero el producto con un pao seco y después lávese la piel con
agua abundante.
CS: Po zasaení ke pípravek nejdíve odstrate pomocí suché látky a poté ki opláchněte velkm mnostvím
DA: Efter kontakt med huden, fjern frst produktet med en tr klud og vask derefter med rigeligt vand.
DE: Nach Kontakt mit der Haut zuerst das Mittel mit einem trockenen Tuch entfernen und dann die Haut mit
reichlich Wasser abspülen.
ET: Nahaga kokkupuutel kigepealt eemaldada vahend kuiva lapiga ning seejrel pesta nahka rohke veega.
EL: στερα απ επαφ με το δρμα, αφαιρστε πρτα το προ ν με να στεγν παν και στη συνχεια ξεπλνετε το δρμα
με φθονο νερ.
EN: After contact with skin, first remove product with a dry cloth and then wash the skin with plenty of water.
FR: Après contact avec la peau, éliminer d’abord le produit avec un chiffon sec, puis laver la peau abondamment à
IT: Dopo il contatto con la pelle, rimuovere il prodotto con un panno asciutto e quindi lavare abbondantemente
con acqua.
LV: Pēc saskares ar ādu, vispirms notīrīt augu aizsardzības līdzekli no ādas ar sausu drānu un pēc tam mazgāt ādu ar
lielu ūdens daudzumu.
LT: Patekus ant odos, pirmiausia nuvalyti sausu audiniu, po to gerai nuplauti vandeniu.
HU: Brrel való érintkezés esetén elszr száraz ruhával távolítsa el a terméket, majd a szennyezdtt brt b vízzel
mossa le.
MT: Wara kuntatt mal-ilda, l-ewwel nei l-prodott b’xoqqa niexfa u mbgad asel il-ilda b’afna ilma.
NL: Na contact met de huid moet u eerst het gewasbeschermingsmiddel met een droge doek verwijderen en daarna
de huid met veel water wassen.
PL: Po kontakcie ze skór najpierw usun produkt such szmatk, a nastpnie przemy skór du iloci wody.
PT: Em caso de contacto com a pele, remover primeiro o produto com um pano seco e, em seguida, lavar a pele
com muita água.
RO: Dac produsul vine n contact cu pielea, ndeprtai produsul cu un material uscat i apoi splai cu mult ap!
SK: Po kontakte s pokokou najskr odstráte prípravok suchou tkaninou a potom opláchnite vekm mnostvom
SL: Ob stiku s koo odstraniti sredstvo s suho krpo in sprati koo z obilo vode.
FI: Ihokosketuksen jlkeen tuote pyyhitn aluksi pois kuivalla kankaalla ja sitten iho pestn runsaalla vedell.
SV: Efter kontakt med huden, avlgsna frst produkten med en torr trasa och tvtta sedan med mycket vatten.

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SPo 2
BG: Цялото защитно облекло да се изпере след употреба.
ES: Lávese toda la ropa de protección después de usarla.
CS: Veker ochrann oděv po pouití vyperte.
DA: Vask alle personlige vrnemidler efter brug.
DE: Die gesamte Schutzkleidung muss nach Gebrauch gewaschen werden.
ET: Peale kasutamist kogu kaitseriietus pesta.
EL: Ξεπλνετε λε τι προστατευτικ ενδυμασε μετ τη χρση.
EN: Wash all protective clothing after use.
FR: Laver tous les équipements de protection après utilisation.
IT: Lavare tutto l’equipaggiamento di protezione dopo l’impiego.
LV: Pēc lietoanas izmazgāt visu aizsargtērpu.
LT: Po darbo iskalbti visus apsauginius drabuius.
HU: Használat után minden védruházatot ki kell mosni.
MT: Asel l-ilbies protettiv wara li-tua.
NL: Was alle beschermende kleding na gebruik.
PL: Upra odzie ochronn po uyciu.
PT: Depois da utilizao do produto, lavar todo o vestuário de proteco.
RO: A se spla toate echipamentele de protecie dup utilizare!
SK: Ochrann odev po aplikácii oistite.
SL: Po uporabi oprati vso zaitno obleko.
FI: Kaikki suojavaatteet pestv kytn jlkeen.
SV: Tvtta alla skyddsklder efter anvndning.
SPo 3
BG: След запалване на продукта да не се вдишва дима и третираната зона да се напусне незабавно.
ES: Tras el inicio de la combustión del producto, abandónese inmediatamente la zona tratada sin inhalar el humo.
CS: Po vznícení pípravku nevdechujte kou a ihned opuste oetovan prostor.
DA: Efter antnding af produktet, undg at indnde rgen og forlad det behandlede omrde jeblikkeligt.
DE: Nach Anzünden des Mittels Rauch nicht einatmen und die behandelte Flche sofort verlassen.
ET: Peale vahendi süttimist suitsu mitte sisse hingata ning kideldud alalt otsekohe lahkuda.
EL: Μετ την ανφλεξη του προντο μην εισπνεσετε τον καπν και απομακρυνθετε αμσω απ την περιοχ χρση.

11.6.2011 Official
Union L
EN: After igniting the product, do not inhale smoke and leave the treated area immediately.
FR: Après déclenchement de la fumigation, ne pas inhaler la fumée et quitter la zone traitée immédiatement.
IT: Una volta iniziata la combustione, non inalare il fumo e abbandonare immediatamente la zona trattata.
LV: Pēc augu aizsardzības līdzeka aizdedzināanas, neieelpot dūmus un nekavējoties atstāt apstrādāto platību.
LT: Usidegus nekvpti dūm ir nedelsiant palikti apdorot plot.
HU: A termék meggyújtása után óvakodjon a keletkez füst belélegzésétl, és azonnal hagyja el a kezelt területet.
MT: Wara li tqabbad il-prodott, tiblax id-duan u warrab minnufih mill-post li jkun ie ittrattat.
NL: Nadat u het product hebt aangestoken, mag u de rook niet inademen en moet u de behandelde ruimte
onmiddellijk verlaten.
PL: Po zapaleniu produktu nie wdycha dymu i niezwocznie opuci obszar poddany zabiegowi.
PT: Depois de iniciada a fumigao do produto, no inalar os fumos e sair imediatamente da zona em tratamento.
RO: Dup fumigarea produsului, nu inhalai fumul i prsii imediat zona tratat!
SK: Po zapálení prípravku, nevdychujte dym a okamite opustite oetrovan priestor.
SL: Po zaigu sredstva ne vdihavati dima in takoj zapustiti tretirano obmoje.
FI: Tuotteen syttyess vltettv savun hengittmist ja poistuttava ksitellylt alueelta viipymtt.
SV: Nr produkten antnts, andas inte in rken och lmna det behandlade omrdet genast.
SPo 4
BG: Опаковката да се отвори на открито и при сухо време.
ES: El recipiente debe abrirse al aire libre y en tiempo seco.
CS: Obal s pípravkem musí bt oteven ve venkovním prostedí a za sucha.
DA: Beholderen skal bnes udendrs og under trre forhold.
DE: Der Behlter muss im Freien und Trockenen geffnet werden.
ET: Pakend tuleb avada ues ning kuivades tingimustes.
EL: Το δοχεο πρπει να ανοιχθε στο παιθρο και σε συνθκε ξηρασα.
EN: The container must be opened outdoors and in dry conditions.
FR: L’emballage doit être ouvert à l’extérieur par temps sec.
IT: L’imballaggio deve essere aperto all’esterno e in condizioni di tempo secco.
LV: Iepakojumu atvērt ārpus telpām un sausos apstākos.
LT: Pakuot atidaryti lauke, esant sausoms oro slygoms.
HU: A tartályt csak a szabad levegn, száraz idben lehet kinyitni.
MT: Il-kontenitur gandu jinfeta f’ambjent miftu u xott.

L 155/188
Official Journal of the European Union
NL: De verpakking moet buiten, in droge omstandigheden, worden geopend.
PL: Opakowanie otwiera na zewntrz i w suchych warunkach.
PT: Abrir a embalagem ao ar livre e com tempo seco.
RO: Ambalajul trebuie deschis n aer liber i pe vreme uscat!
SK: Nádobu otvárajte vonku a za suchého poasia.
SL: Embalao odpreti na prostem in v suhih razmerah.
FI: Pakkaus avattava ulkona kuivissa olosuhteissa.
SV: Behllaren mste ppnas utomhus och under torra frhllanden.
SPo 5
BG: Да се проветрят основно/да се посочи време/третираните площи/оранжериите до изсъхване на разтвора, преди
отново да се влезе в тях.
ES: Ventilar las zonas/los invernaderos tratados [bien/durante un tiempo especificado/hasta que se haya secado la
pulverización] antes de volver a entrar.
CS: Ped opětovnm vstupem oetené prostory/skleníky [dkladně /uvete dobu/ do zaschnutí postikového
nánosu] vyvětrejte.
DA: De behandlede omrder/drivhuse ventileres [grundigt/eller angivelse af tid/indtil sprjtemidlet er trret], fr man
igen gr ind i dem.
DE: Vor dem Wiederbetreten ist die behandelte Flche/das Gewchshaus (gründlich/oder Zeit angeben/bis zur
Abtrocknung des Spritzbelages) zu lüften.
ET: hutada kideldud alad/phjalikult kasvuhooned/mratletud aja jooksul/enne uuesti sisenemist kuni pihustatud
vahendi kuivamiseni.
EL: Να αερσετε του χρου/τα θερμοκπια που χρησιμοποιθηκαν φυτοφρμακα [πλρω/ να προσδιοριστε η
χρονικ περοδο/μχρι να στεγνσει το προν] πριν ξαναμπετε.
EN: Ventilate treated areas/greenhouses thoroughly/time to be specified/until spray has dried before re-entry.
FR: Ventiler [à fond/ou durée à préciser/jusqu’au séchage de la pulvérisation] les zones/serres traitées avant d’y
IT: Ventilare [a fondo/per una durata da specificare/fino all’essiccazione dello spray] le zone serre trattate prima di
LV: Pirms atgrieanās rūpīgi vēdināt apstrādātās platības/siltumnīcas (norāda laiku) kamēr izsmidzinātais idrums
LT: Gerai ivdinti apdorotus plotus/iltnamius (vdinimo laikas turi būti nurodytas). eiti apdorotus plotus
leidiama tik visikai jiems idiūvus.
HU: A kezelt területet/üvegházakat [alaposan/az elírt idn át/a permet felszáradásáig] szellztesse az oda való
visszatérés eltt.
MT: alli l-arja tgaddi minn dawk il-postijiet/serer li ew ittrattati sew/speifika t-tul ta’ in/sakemm jinxef il-bexx
qabel ma tera’ tidol.
NL: Voordat u opnieuw behandelde ruimten/kassen binnengaat, moet u die [grondig ventileren/gedurende (geef de
periode aan) ventileren/ventileren tot de spuitvloeistof is opgedroogd].

11.6.2011 Official
Union L
PL: Dokadnie wietrzy obszar poddany zabiegowi/szklarnie/przez okrelony czas/Przed ponownym wejciem
poczeka do wyschnicia cieczy.
PT: Arejar [bem] os locais/estufas tratados [durante (neste caso, precisar o período)/até à secagem do pulverizado]
antes de neles voltar a entrar.
RO: A se ventila zonele/serele tratate, n ntregime/(s se specifice timpul necesar)/pn la uscarea produsului
pulverizat, nainte de a reintra!
SK: Pred alím vstupom dkladne vyvetrajte oetrovan priestor/ skleník tak, aby rozpráen roztok prípravku
zaschol/ uvete potrebn as/.
SL: Pred ponovnim vstopom temeljito zraiti tretirane povrine/rastlinjake/ doloi se as/dokler se naneeno
sredstvo ne posui.
FI: Ksitellyt alueet/kasvihuoneet/ksiteltyj alueita/kasvihuoneita tuuletettava (perusteellisesti/tai tsmennetn
tuuletusaika/- kunnes tuote on kuivunut) ennen sinne palaamista.
SV: Vdra (omsorgsfullt/eller ange tidsperiod/tills produkten torkat) fre vistelse i behandlade utrymmen/vxthus.
2.2. Safety precautions related to the environment (SPe)
SPe 1
BG: С цел опазване на подпочвените води/почвообитаващите организми, да не се прилага този или друг продукт,
съдържащ (да се посочи активното вещество или групата активни вещества според случая) повече от (да се посочи
срока или честотата).
ES: Para proteger [las aguas subterráneas/los organismos del suelo], no aplicar este producto ni ningún otro que
contenga (precísese la sustancia o la familia de sustancias, según corresponda) más de (indíquese el tiempo o la
CS: Za úelem ochrany podzemních vod/pdních organismo neaplikujte tento ani ádn jin pípravek obsahující
(uvete úinnou látku nebo popípadě skupinu úinnch látek) déle/více ne (uvete uritou lhtu nebo etnost
DA: For at beskytte [grundvandet/jordorganismer] m dette produkt eller andre produkter, der indeholder (angiv
navnet p aktivstoffet eller gruppe af aktivstoffer), kun anvendes/ikke anvendes mere end (angiv tidsperiode eller
antal behandlinger).
DE: Zum Schutz von (Grundwasser/Bodenorganismen) das Mittel ‘…’ oder andere … haltige Mittel (Identifizierung
des Wirkstoffes oder einer Wirkstoffgruppe) nicht mehr als … (Angabe der Anwendungshufigkeit in einem
bestimmten Zeitraum) anwenden.
ET: Phjavee/mullaorganismide kaitsmiseks mitte kasutada seda vi ükskik millist muud vahendit, mis sisaldab
(mratleda vastavalt toimeaine vi aine klass) rohkem kui (periood vi mratletav sagedus).
EL: Για να προστατψετε [τα υπγεια νερ/του οργανισμο στο δαφο] μην χρησιμοποιετε αυτ οποιοδποτε λλο
προν που περιχει (προσδιορστε τη δραστικ ουσα την κατηγορα των ουσιν αναλγω) περισστερο απ (να
προσδιοριστε η χρονικ περοδο η συχντητα).
EN: To protect groundwater/soil organisms do not apply this or any other product containing (identify active
substance or class of substances, as appropriate) more than (time period or frequency to be specified).
FR: Pour protéger [les eaux souterraines/les organismes du sol], ne pas appliquer ce produit ou tout autre produit
contenant (préciser la substance ou la famille de substances selon le cas) plus de (fréquence à préciser).
IT: Per proteggere [le acque sotterranee/gli organismi del suolo] non applicare questo o altri prodotti contenenti
(specificare la sostanza attiva o la classe di sostanze, secondo il caso) più di (indicare la durata o la frequenza).
LV: Lai aizsargātu gruntsūdeni/augsnes organismus, nelietot augu aizsardzības līdzekli ‘…’ vai citu augu aizsardzības
līdzekli, kur satur ‘…’ (norāda darbīgo vielu vai darbīgo vielu grupu) vairāk nekā … (norāda apstrāu skaitu
noteiktā laika periodā).

L 155/190
Official Journal of the European Union
LT: Siekiant apsaugoti poemin vanden/dirvos organizmus nenaudoti io ar bet kurio kito produkto, kurio sudtyje
yra (nurodyti veiklij mediag ar mediag grup, kaip tinka) daniau kaip (laikas ar danumas turi būti
HU: A talajvíz/a talaj él szervezeteinek védelme érdekében ezt vagy (a megfelel hatóanyag vagy anyagcsoport)-ot
tartalmazó bármilyen más készítményt ne használja (az elírt idtartam/- gyakoriság)-nál hosszabb ideig/
MT: Sabiex tipprotei l-ilma tal-pjan/organimi fil-amrija tapplikax dan il-prodott jew xi prodott ieor li jkun fih
(identifica s-sustanza jew klassi ta’ sustanzi attivi kif imiss) ijed minn (speifika -mien jew il-frekwenza).
NL: Om [het grondwater/de bodemorganismen] te beschermen mag u dit product of andere producten die (geef naar
gelang van het geval de naam van de werkzame stof of van de categorie werkzame stoffen) bevatten, niet langer
dan gedurende (geef de tijdsduur aan) gebruiken/ten hoogste (geef de frequentie) gebruiken.
PL: W celu ochrony wód gruntowych/organizmów glebowych nie stosowa tego lub adnego innego produktu
zawierajcego (okreli substancj aktywn lub klas substancji, kiedy dotyczy) nie duej ni (okrelony
czas)/nie czciej ni (okrelona czstotliwo).
PT: Para proteco [das águas subterrneas/dos organismos do solo], no aplicar este produto ou qualquer outro que
contenha (indicar, consoante o caso, a substncia activa ou a família de substncias activas) durante mais de
(período a precisar) ou mais do que (frequência a precisar).
RO: Pentru protecia apei freatice/organismelor din sol, nu aplicai acest produs sau alt produs care conine (iden
tificai substana activ sau clasa corespunztoare, dup caz) mai mult de (s se specifice perioada de timp sau
frecvena tratamentelor)!
SK: Z dvodu ochrany podzemnej vody nepouívajte tento alebo in prípravok obsahujúci (uvete úinnú látku
alebo skupinu úinnch látok) dlhie ako (upresnite obdobie alebo frekvenciu).
SL: Zaradi zaite podtalnice/talnih organizmov ne uporabljati tega ali drugih sredstev, ki vsebujejo (navede se
aktivno snov ali skupino aktivnih snovi) ve kot (navede se asovno obdobje ali tevilo tretiranj).
FI: (Pohjaveden/maapern eliiden) suojelemiseksi vltettv tmn tai mink tahansa muun tuotteen, joka sislt
(tapauksen mukaan tehoaine tai aineluokka), kytt useammin (ajanjakso tai kytttiheys).
SV: Fr att skydda (grundvatten/marklevande organismer), anvnd inte denna produkt eller andra produkter inne
hllande (ange verksamt mne eller grupp av mnen) mer n (ange tidsperiod eller antal behandlingar).
SPe 2
BG: Да не са прилага при (да се посочи типа почва или ситуацията) почви, с цел опазване на подпочвените води/
водните организми.
ES: Para proteger [las aguas subterráneas/los organismos acuáticos], no aplicar en suelos (precísese la situación o el
tipo de suelos).
CS: Za úelem ochrany podzemních vod/vodních organismo neaplikujte pípravek na pdách (uvete druh pdy
nebo situaci).
DA: For at beskytte [grundvandet/organismer, der lever i vand] m dette produkt ikke anvendes (p beskrevet
jordtype eller under beskrevne forhold).
DE: Zum Schutz von (Grundwasser/Gewsserorganismen) nicht auf (genaue Angabe der Bodenart oder Situation)
Bden ausbringen.
ET: Phjavee/veeorganismide kaitsmiseks mitte kasutada (mratleda pinnasetüüp vi olukord).
EL: Για να προστατψετε [τα υπγεια νερ/του υδρβιου οργα- νισμο] μην χρησιμοποιετε το προν αυτ σε εδφη
(προσ- διορστε τον τπο του εδφου τι ιδιατερε συνθκε).
EN: To protect groundwater/aquatic organisms do not apply to (soil type or situation to be specified) soils.

11.6.2011 Official
Union L
FR: Pour protéger [les eaux souterraines/les organismes aquatiques], ne pas appliquer ce produit sur (type de sol ou
situation à préciser).
IT: Per proteggere [le acque sotterranee/gli organismi acquatici] non applicare sul suolo (indicare il tipo di suolo o la
LV: Lai aizsargātu gruntsūdeus/ūdens organismus, nelietot (norāda augsnes tipu vai apstākus) augsnēs.
LT: Siekiant apsaugoti poemin vanden/vandens organizmus nenaudoti (nurodyti dirvoemio tip ar situacij)
HU: A talajvíz/a vízi szervezetek védelme érdekében (az elírt talajtípus vagy helyzet) talajokra ne használja.
MT: Biex tipprotei l-ilma tal-pjan/organimi ta’ l-ilma tapplikax f’amrija (speifika t-tip ta’ amrija jew is-
NL: Om [het grondwater/in het water levende organismen] te beschermen mag dit product niet worden gebruikt op
(benoem het soort bodem of geef een beschrijving ervan) bodems.
PL: W celu ochrony wód gruntowych/organizmów wodnych nie stosowa na glebach (okreli typ gleby lub
warunki glebowe).
PT: Para proteco [das águas subterrneas/dos organismos aquáticos], no aplicar este produto em solos (precisar a
situao ou o tipo de solo).
RO: Pentru protecia apei freatice/organismelor acvatice, nu aplicai pe sol (s se specifice tipul de sol sau situaia n
SK: Z dvodu ochrany podzemnej vody/vodnch organizmov neaplikujte na (upresnite typ pdy alebo situáciu)
SL: Zaradi zaite podtalnice/vodnih organizmov ne uporabljati na (navede se tip tal ali druge posebne razmere)
FI: (Pohjaveden/vesieliiden) suojelemiseksi ei saa kytt (tsmennetn maapertyyppi tai tilanne) maapern.
SV: Fr att skydda (grundvatten/vattenlevande organismer), anvnd inte denna produkt p (ange jordtyp eller mark
SPe 3
BG: Да се осигури нетретирана буферна зона от (да се посочи разстоянието) до неземеделски земи/повърхностни води,
с цел опазване на водните организми/растенията, които не са обект на третиране/членестоногите, които не са
обект на третиране/насекомите.
ES: Para proteger [los organismos acuáticos/las plantas no objetivo/ los artrópodos no objetivo/los insectos],
respétese sin tratar una banda de seguridad de (indíquese la distancia) hasta [la zona no cultivada/las masas
de agua superficial].
CS: Za úelem ochrany vodních organism/necílovch rostlin/necílovch lenovc/hmyzu dodrujte neoetené
ochranné pásmo (uvete vzdálenost) vzhledem k nezemědělské pdě/- povrchové vodě.
DA: M ikke anvendes nrmere end (angiv afstand) fra [vandmiljet, vandlb, ser m.v./ikke dyrket omrde] for at
beskytte [organismer, der lever i vand/landlevende ikkemlorganismer, vilde planter, insekter og leddyr].
DE: Zum Schutz von (Gewsserorganismen/Nichtzielpflanzen/- Nichtzielarthropoden/Insekten) eine unbehandelte
Pufferzone von (genaue Angabe des Abstandes) zu (Nichtkulturland/Oberflchengewsser) einhalten.
ET: Veeorganismide/mittetaimsete sihtliikide/mittesihtlülijalgsete/- putukate kaitsmiseks pidada kinni mittepritsitavast
puhvervndist (mratleda kaugus) pllumajanduses mittekasutatavast maast/pinnaseveekogudest.
EL: Για να προστατψετε [του υδρβιου οργανισμο/μη στοχευμενα φυτ/μη στοχευμενα αρθρποδα/ντομα] να
αφσετε μιαν αψκαστη ζνη προστασα (προσδιορστε την απσταση) μχρι [μη γεωργικ γη/σματα επιφανειακν

L 155/192
Official Journal of the European Union
EN: To protect aquatic organisms/non-target plants/non-target arthropods/insects respect an unsprayed buffer zone
of (distance to be specified) to non-agricultural land/surface water bodies.
FR: Pour protéger [les organismes aquatiques/les plantes non cibles/les arthropodes non cibles/les insectes], respecter
une zone non traitée de (distance à préciser) par rapport à [la zone non cultivée adjacente/aux points d’eau].
IT: Per proteggere [gli organismi acquatici/gli insetti/le piante non bersaglio/gli artropodi non bersaglio] rispettare
una fascia di sicurezza non trattata di (precisare la distanza) da [zona non coltivata/corpi idrici superficiali].
LV: Lai aizsargātu ūdens organismus/ar lietojumu nesaistītos augus/ar lietojumu nesaistītos posmkājus/kukaius,
ievērot aizsargjoslu (norāda attālumu) līdz lauksaimniecībā neizmantojamai zemei/ūdenstilpēm un ūdenstecēm.
LT: Siekiant apsaugoti vandens organizmus/netikslinius augalus/- netikslinius nariuotakojus/vabzdius būtina
ilaikyti apsaugos zon (nurodyti atstum) iki ne ems ūkio paskirties ems/pavirinio vandens telkini.
HU: A vízi szervezetek/nem célzott nvények/nem célzott ízeltlábúak/ rovarok védelme érdekében a nem mezgaz
dasági fldterülettl/ felszíni vizektl (az elírt távolság) távolságban tartson meg egy nem permetezett
biztonsági vezetet.
MT: Sabiex tipprotei organimi ta’ l-ilma/pjanti mhux immirati/ artropodi/insetti mhux immirati, irrispetta ona
confini ielsa mill-bexx ta’ (speifika d-distanza) minn art mhix agrikola/ gadajjar ta’ l-ilma fil-wi.
NL: Om [in het water levende organismen/niet tot de doelsoorten behorende planten en dieren/niet tot de doel
soorten behorende geleedpotigen/ de insecten] te beschermen mag u in een bufferzone van (geef de afstand aan)
rond [niet-landbouwgrond/oppervlaktewater] niet spuiten.
PL: W celu ochrony organizmów wodnych/rolin nie bdcych obiektem zwalczania/stawonogów/owadów nie
bdcych obiektem zwalczania konieczne jest okrelenie strefy buforowej w odlegoci (okrelona odlego)
od terenów nieuytkowanych rolniczo/zbiorników i cieków wodnych.
PT: Para proteco [dos organismos aquáticos/das plantas novisadas/ dos insectos/artrópodes no-visados], respeitar
uma zona no-pulverizada de (distncia a precisar) em relao [às zonas no-cultivadas/às águas de superfície].
RO: Pentru protecia organismelor acvatice/plantelor ne-int/artropodelor/ insectelor ne-int respectai o zon
tampon netratat de (s se specifice distana) pn la terenul necultivat/ apa de suprafa!
SK: Z dvodu ochrany vodnch organizmov/necielench rastlín/- necielench lánkonocov/hmyzu udriavajte
medzi oetrovanou plochou a neobhospodarovanou zónou/- povrchovmi vodnmi plochami ochrann pás
zeme v dke (upresnite dku).
SL: Zaradi zaite vodnih organizmov/neciljnih rastlin/neciljnih lenonocev/uelk upotevati netretiran varnostni
pás (navede se razdaljo) do nekmetijske povrine/vodne povrine.
FI: (Vesieliiden/muiden kuin torjuttavien kasvien/muiden kuin torjuttavien niveljalkaisten/hynteisten) suojele
miseksi (muun kuin maatalousmaan/pintavesialueiden) vliin on jtettv (tsmennetn etisyys) ruiskut
tamaton suojavyhyke.
SV: Fr att skydda (vattenlevande organismer/andra vxter n de man avser att bekmpa/andra leddjur n de man
avser att bekmpa/insekter), lmna en sprutfri zon p (ange avstnd) till (icke-jordbruksmark/vattendrag).
SPe 4
BG: Да не се прилага върху непропускливи повърхности като асфалт, бетон, паваж, железопътни линии и други
такива с висок риск за оттичане, с цел опазване на водните орга- низми/растенията, които не са обект на
ES: Para proteger [los organismos acuáticos/las plantas no objetivo], no aplicar sobre superficies impermeables
como el asfalto, el cemento, los adoquines, [las vías del ferrocarril] ni en otras situaciones con elevado
riesgo de escorrentía.
CS: Za úelem ochrany vodních organism/necílovch rostlin neaplikujte pípravek na nepropustn povrch, jako je
asfalt, beton, dláděn povrch, elezniní tra nebo v jinch pípadech, kdy hrozí vysoké riziko odplavení.

11.6.2011 Official
Union L
DA: M ikke anvendes p befstede arealer ssom asfalterede, beton-, sten- eller grusbelagte omrder og veje
[jernbanespor] eller p andre omrder, hvorfra der er en stor risiko for runoff til omgivelserne. [For at
beskytte organismer, der lever i vand/planter, man ikke nsker at bekmpe].
DE: Zum Schutz von (Gewsserorganismen/Nichtzielpflanzen) nicht auf versiegelten Oberflchen wie Asphalt, Beton,
Kopfsteinpflaster (Gleisanlagen) bzw. in anderen Fllen, die ein hohes Abschwemmungsrisiko bergen,
ET: Veeorganismide/mittesihtliikide kaitsmiseks mitte kasutada lbilaskmatutel pindadel nagu niteks asfalt, betoon,
munakivi, raudteerpad ning muudes oludes, kus on krge lekkimisoht.
EL: Για να προστατψετε [υδρβιου οργανισμο/μη στοχευμενα φυτ] να μην χρησιμοποιεται σε αδιαπραστε
επιφνειε πω σφαλτο, σκυρδεμα, λιθστρωτα [σιδηροτροχι] και λλε επιφνειε με υψηλ κνδυνο απορρο.
EN: To protect aquatic organisms/non-target plants do not apply on impermeable surfaces such as asphalt, concrete,
cobblestones, railway tracks and other situations with a high risk of run-off.
FR: Pour protéger [les organismes aquatiques/les plantes non cibles], ne pas appliquer sur des surfaces imperméables
telles que le bitume, le béton, les pavés, [les voies ferrées] et dans toute autre situation où le risque de
ruissellement est important.
IT: Per proteggere [gli organismi acquatici/le piante non bersaglio] non applicare su superfici impermeabili quali
bitume, cemento, acciottolato, [binari ferroviari] e negli altri casi ad alto rischio di deflusso superficiale.
LV: Lai aizsargātu ūdens organismus/ar lietojumu nesaistītos augus, nelietot augu aizsardzības līdzekli uz necaur
laidīgas virsmas, piemēram, asfalta, betona, brua, slieu ceiem, un citās vietās ar augstu noteces risku.
LT: Siekiant apsaugoti vandens organizmus/netikslinius augalus nenaudoti ant nepralaidi paviri toki kaip
asfaltas, betonas, grindinio akmenys, geleinkelio bgi ar kitose situacijose, kuriuose didel nuotkio tikimyb.
HU: A vízi szervezetek/nem célzott nvények védelme érdekében a vizet nem átereszt felületeken (pl. aszfalt, beton,
utcakvezet, vasúti pályák és az elfolyás egyéb veszélye esetén) ne alkalmazza.
MT: Biex tipprotei organimi ta’ l-ilma/pjanti mhux immirati tapplikax fuq uuh impermeabbli bal l-asfalt, konkrit,
angaturi, linji tal-ferrovija u sitwazzjonijiet ora b’riskju kbir ta’ skul.
NL: Om [in het water levende organismen/niet tot de doelsoorten behorende planten en dieren] te beschermen mag
u dit product niet gebruiken op ondoordringbare oppervlakken, zoals asfalt, beton [,/en] kasseien [en spoor
lijnen,] of op andere plaatsen waar het product gemakkelijk kan wegstromen.
PL: W celu ochrony organizmów wodnych/rolin nie bdcych obiektem zwalczania nie stosowa na nieprze
puszczalnych powierzchniach, takich jak: asfalt, beton, bruk, torowiska i innych przypadkach, gdy istnieje
wysokie ryzyko spywania cieczy.
PT: Para proteco [dos organismos aquáticos/das plantas novisadas], no aplicar este produto em superfícies
impermeáveis, como asfalto, beto, empedrados [ou linhas de caminho de ferro], nem em qualquer outra
situao em que o risco de escorrimentos seja elevado.
RO: Pentru protecia organismelor acvatice/plantelor ne-int nu aplicai pe suprafee impermeabile precum asfalt,
ciment, pavaj, cale ferat sau n alte situaii n care exist risc maré de scurgere!
SK: Z dvodu ochrany vodnch organizmov/necielench rastlín neaplikujte na nepriepustné povrchy, ako je asfalt,
betón, dlaobné kocky, koajnice a iné povrchy, pri ktorch je zvené riziko stekania vody.
SL: Zaradi zaite vodnih organizmov/neciljnih rastlin ne uporabljati na neprepustnih povrinah kot so asfalt, beton,
tlak, elezniki tiri in drugih povrinah, kjer je velika nevarnost odtekanja.
FI: (Vesieliiden/muiden kuin torjuttavien kasvien) suojelemiseksi ei saa kytt lpisemttmill pinnoilla, kuten
asvaltilla, betonilla, katukivill, (rautatiekiskoilla) ja muissa tilanteissa, joissa on suuri huuhtoutumisen vaara.

L 155/194
Official Journal of the European Union
SV: Fr att skydda (vattenlevande organismer/andra vxter n de man avser att bekmpa), anvnd inte denna
produkt p hrdgjorda ytor ssom asfalt, betong, kullersten, (jrnvgsspr) och andra ytor med hg risk fr
SPe 5
BG: Продуктът трябва да е напълно инкорпориран в почвата, с цел опазване на птиците/дивите бозайници. Уверете се,
че продуктът е напълно инкорпориран и в края на редовете.
ES: Para proteger [las aves/los mamíferos silvestres], el producto debe incorporarse completamente al suelo;
asegurarse de que se incorpora al suelo totalmente al final de los surcos.
CS: Za úelem ochrany pták/volně ijících savc musí bt pípravek zcela zapraven do pdy; zajistěte, aby by
pípravek zcela zapraven do pdy také na konci vsevních nebo vsadbovch ádk.
DA: For at beskytte [fugle/vilde pattedyr] skal produktet omhyggeligt graves ned i jorden. Srg for, at produktet ogs
er helt tildkket for enden af rkkerne.
DE: Zum Schutz von (Vgeln/wild lebenden Sugetieren) muss das Mittel vollstndig in den Boden eingearbeitet
werden; es ist sicherzustellen, dass das Mittel auch am Ende der Pflanzbzw. Saatreihen vollstndig in den Boden
eingearbeitet wird.
ET: Lindude/metsloomade kaitsmiseks peab vahend tielikult mullaga ühinema; tagada vahendi tielik ühinemine ka
ridade lpus.
EL: Για να προστατψετε [πουλι/γρια θηλαστικ] το προν πρπει να καλυφθε πλρω απ το δαφο. Βεβαιωθετε πω
το προν χει καλυφθε πλρω στι κρε των αυλακιν.
EN: To protect birds/wild mammals the product must be entirely incorporated in the soil; ensure that the product is
also fully incorporated at the end of rows.
FR: Pour protéger [les oiseaux/mammifères sauvages], le produit doit être entièrement incorporé dans le sol; s’assurer
que le produit est également incorporé en bout de sillons.
IT: Per proteggere [gli uccelli/i mammiferi selvatici] il prodotto deve essere interamente incorporato nel terreno;
assicurarsi che il prodotto sia completamente incorporato in fondo al solco.
LV: Lai aizsargātu putnus/savvaas zīdītājus, augu aizsardzības līdzekli pilnībā iestrādāt augsnē; nodroināt līdzeka
pilnīgu iestrādi augsnē arī kultūraugu rindu galos.
LT: Siekiant apsaugoti paukius/laukinius gyvūnus būtina produkt visikai terpti dirv, utikrinti, kad produktas
būt visikai terptas vag gale.
HU: A madarak/vadon él emlsk védelme érdekében a terméket teljes egészében be kell dolgozni a talajba;
ügyeljen arra, hogy az anyag a sorok végén is teljes egészében be legyen dolgozva.
MT: Sabiex tipprotei gasafar/mammiferi selvai l-prodott gandu jkun inkorporat gal kollox fil-amrija; gura li
lprodott ikun ukoll inkorporat gal kollox f’tarf ir-raddi.
NL: Om [de vogels/de wilde zoogdieren] te beschermen moet het product volledig in de bodem worden
ondergewerkt; zorg ervoor dat het product ook aan het einde van de rij is ondergewerkt.
PL: W celu ochrony ptaków/dzikich ssaków produkt musi by cakowicie przykryty gleb; zapewni e produkt jest
równie cakowicie przykryty na kocach rzdów.
PT: Para proteco [das aves/dos mamíferos selvagens], incorporar totalmente o produto no solo, incluindo no final
dos sulcos.
RO: Pentru protecia psrilor/mamiferelor slbatice, produsul trebuie ncorporat n totalitate n sol! A se asigura c
produsul este ncorporat n totalitate la sfritul rndurilor!
SK: Z dvodu ochrany vtákov/divo ijúcich cicavcov sa musí vetok prípravok zakry pdou. Presvedte sa, i je
prípravok dobre zakryt pdou aj na konci brázdy.

11.6.2011 Official
Union L
SL: Zaradi zaite ptic/divjih vrst sesalcev je treba sredstvo popolnoma vdelati v tla; zagotoviti, da je sredstvo v
celowi vdelano v tla tudi na koncih vrst.
FI: (Lintujen/luonnonvaraisten niskkiden) suojelemiseksi tuote on sekoitettava maapern; varmistettava, ett
tuote sekoittuu maapern tysin mys vakojen pss.
SV: Fr att skydda (fglar/vilda dggdjur) mste produkten nedmyllas helt och hllet i jorden; se till att produkten
ven nedmyllas helt i slutet av raderna.
SPe 6
BG: Да се отстранят разлетите/разпилените количества, с цел опазване на птиците/дивите бозайници.
ES: Para proteger [las aves/los mamíferos silvestres], recójase todo derrame accidental.
CS: Za úelem ochrany pták/volně ijících savc odstrate rozsypan nebo rozlit pípravek.
DA: For at beskytte [fugle/vilde pattedyr] skal alt spildt produkt fjernes.
DE: Zum Schutz von (Vgeln/wild lebenden Sugetieren) muss das verschüttete Mittel beseitigt werden.
ET: Lindude/metsloomade kaitsmiseks krvaldada mahavalgunud vahend.
EL: Για να προστατψετε [πουλι/γρια ζα] μαζψτε σο προν χει χυθε κατ λθο.
EN: To protect birds/wild mammals remove spillages.
FR: Pour protéger [les oiseaux/les mammifères sauvages], récupérer tout produit accidentellement répandu.
IT: Per proteggere [gli uccelli/i mammiferi selvatici] recuperare il prodotto fuoriuscito accidentalmente.
LV: Lai aizsargātu putnus/savvaas zīdītājus, novērst izakstīanos.
LT: Siekiant apsaugoti paukius/laukinius gyvūnus paalinti pabiras ar isiliejus produkt.
HU: A madarak/vadon él emlsk védelme érdekében távolítsa el a véletlenül kimltt anyagot.
MT: Nei kull tixrid biex tipprotei l-gasafar/mammiferi selvai.
NL: Om [de vogels/de wilde zoogdieren] te beschermen moet u gemorst product verwijderen.
PL: W celu ochrony ptaków/dzikich ssaków usuwa rozlany/rozsypany produkt.
PT: Para proteco [das aves/dos mamíferos selvagens], recolher todo o produto derramado.
RO: Pentru protecia psrilor/mamiferelor slbatice ndeprtai urmele de produs!
SK: Z dvodu ochrany vtákov/divo ijúcich cicavcov odstráte náhodne rozsypan prípravok.
SL: Zaradi zaite ptic/divjih vrst sesalcev odstraniti razsuto sredstvo.
FI: Lintujen/luonnonvaraisten niskkiden) suojelemiseksi ympristn vahingossa levinnyt tuote poistettava.
SV: Fr att skydda (fglar/vilda dggdjur), avlgsna spill.
SPe 7
BG: Да не се прилага по време на размножителния период на птиците.
ES: No aplicar durante el período de reproducción de las aves.
CS: Neaplikujte v době hnízdění pták.
DA: M ikke anvendes i fuglenes yngletid.

L 155/196
Official Journal of the European Union
DE: Nicht whrend der Vogelbrutzeit anwenden.
ET: Mitte kasutada lindude pesitsusperioodil.
EL: Να μην χρησιμοποιεται κατ την περοδο αναπαραγωγ των πουλιν.
EN: Do not apply during the bird breeding period.
FR: Ne pas appliquer durant la période de reproduction des oiseaux.
IT: Non applicare durante il periodo di riproduzione degli uccelli.
LV: Nelietot putnu vairoanās periodā.
LT: Nenaudoti pauki veisimosi laikotarpiu.
HU: A madarak kltési idszaka alatt nem alkalmazható.
MT: Tapplikax matul it-tberrik ta’ l-gasafar.
NL: Niet gebruiken tijdens het vogelbroedseizoen.
PL: Nie stosowa w okresie rozrodczym ptaków.
PT: No aplicar este produto durante o período de reproduo das aves.
RO: A nu se aplica produsul n perioada de mperechere a psrilor!
SK: Neaplikujte v ase rozmnoovania vtákov.
SL: Ne tretirati v asu valjenja ptic.
FI: Ei saa kytt lintujen lisntymisaikaan.
SV: Anvnd inte denna produkt under fglarnas hckningsperiod.
SPe 8
BG: Опасен за пчелите/Да не се прилага при култури по време на цъфтеж, с цел опазване на пчелите и други
насекоми- опрашители/Да не се използва на места, където има активна паша на пчели/Преместете или
покрийте пчелните кошери по време на третирането и за (да се посочи срок) след третиране/Да не се прилага
при наличие на цъфтяща плевелна растителност/Плевелите да се унищожат преди цъфтежа им/Да не се прилага
преди (да се посочи срок).
ES: Peligroso para las abejas./Para proteger las abejas y otros insectos polinizadores, no aplicar durante la floración
de los cultivos./No utilizar donde haya abejas en pecoreo activo./Retírense o cúbranse las colmenas durante el
tratamiento y durante (indíquese el tiempo) después del mismo./No aplicar cuando las malas hierbas estén en
floración./Elimínense las malas hierbas antes de su floración./No aplicar antes de (indíquese el tiempo).
CS: Nebezpen pro vely./Za úelem ochrany vel a jinch hmyzích opylova neaplikujte na kvetoucí plodiny./
Neaplikujte na místech, na nich jsou vely aktivní pi vyhledávání potravy./ly musí bt během aplikace a po
aplikaci (uvete dobu) pemístěny nebo zakryty./Neaplikujte, jestlie se na pozemku vyskytují kvetoucí plevele./
Plevele odstrate ped jejich kvetením./Neaplikujte ped (uvete dobu).
DA: Farligt for bier./For at beskytte bier og andre bestvende insekter m dette produkt ikke anvendes i blomstrende
afgrder./M ikke anvendes i biernes flyvetid./Tildk eller flyt bikuber i behandlingsperioden og i (nvn antal
timer/dage) efter behandlingen./M ikke anvendes i nrheden af blomstrende ukrudt./Fjern ukrudt inden blom
string./ M ikke anvendes inden (tidspunkt).
DE: Bienengefhrlich./Zum Schutz von Bienen und anderen bestubenden Insekten nicht auf blühende Kulturen
aufbringen./ Nicht an Stellen anwenden, an denen Bienen aktiv auf Futtersuche sind./Bienenstcke müssen
whrend der Anwendung und für (Angabe der Zeit) nach der Behandlung entfernt oder abgedeckt werden./Nicht
in Anwesenheit von blühenden Unkrutern anwenden./Unkruter müssen vor dem Blühen entfernt
werden./Nicht vor (Angabe der Zeit) anwenden.

11.6.2011 Official
Union L
ET: Mesilastele ohtlik/Mesilaste ning muude tolmlevate putukate kaitsmiseks mitte kasutada pllumajanduskultuuride
itsemise ajal/Mitte kasutada aktiivsel korjealal/Kasutamise ajaks ning (mratleda aeg) peale ttlemist tarud
eemaldada vi katta kinn/itseva umbrohu olemasolu korral mitre kasutada/Umbrohi enne itsemist
eemaldada/Mitte kasutada enne (mratleda aeg).
EL: Επικνδυνο για τι μλισσε. Για να προστατψετε τι μλισσε και λλα ντομα επικοναση μην χρησιμοποιετε το
προν σε καλλιργειε κατ την ανθοφορα./Μην χρησιμοποιετε το προν κατ την περοδο που οι μλισσε
συλλγουν γρη./Απομακρνετε καλψτε τι κυψλε κατ τη χρση του προντο και επ (αναφρατε το
χρνο) μετ τη χρση./Μην χρησιμοποιετε το προν κατ την περοδο ανθοφορα ζιζανων./Απομακρνετε τα
ζιζνια πριν απ την ανθοφορα./Μην το χρησιμοποιετε πριν (αναφρατε το χρνο).
EN: Dangerous to bees./To protect bees and other pollinating insects do not apply to crop plants when in
flower./Do not use where bees are actively foraging./Remove or cover beehives during application and for
(state time) after treatment./ Do not apply when flowering weeds are present./ Remove weeds before
flowering./Do not apply before (state time).
FR: Dangereux pour les abeilles./Pour protéger les abeilles et autres insectes pollinisateurs, ne pas appliquer durant la
floraison./ Ne pas utiliser en présence d’abeilles./Retirer ou couvrir les ruches pendant l’application et (indiquer la
période) après traitement./Ne pas appliquer lorsque des adventices en fleur sont présentes./Enlever les adventices
avant leur floraison./Ne pas appliquer avant (indiquer la date).
IT: Pericoloso per le api./Per proteggere le api e altri insetti impollinatori non applicare alle colture al momento
della fioritura./ Non utilizzare quando le api sono in attività./Rimuovere o coprire gli alveari durante l’appli
cazione e per (indicare il periodo) dopo il trattamento./Non applicare in presenza di piante infestanti in
fiore./Eliminare le piante infestanti prima della fioritura./Non applicare prima di (indicare il periodo).
LV: Bīstams bitēm. Lai aizsargātu bites un citus apputeksnētājus, nelietot kultūraugu ziedēanas laikā. Nelietot vietās,
kur bites aktīvi meklē barību. Biu stropus pārvietot vai pārsegt augu aizsardzības līdzeka smidzināanas laikā
un … (norāda uz cik ilgu laiku) pēc smidzināanas darba beigām. Nelietot platībās, kurās ir ziedoas nezāles.
Apkarot nezāles pirms ziedēanas. Nelietot pirms … (norāda laiku).
LT: Pavojingas bitms/Siekiant apsaugoti bites ir kitus apdulkinanius vabzdius nenaudoti augal ydjimo metu/
Nenaudoti bii aktyvaus maitinimosi metu/Paalinti ar udengti bii avilius purkimo metu ar (nurodyti laik)
po purkimo./Nenaudoti kai yra ydini piktoli/Sunaikinti piktoles iki j ydjimo/Nenaudoti iki (nurodyti
HU: Méhekre veszélyes/A méhek és egyéb beporzást végz bovaro védelme érdekében virágzási idszakban nem
alkalmazható/ Méhek aktív táplálékszerzési idszaka idején nem alkalmazható/ Az alkalmazás idejére és a
kezelés után (megadott idszak) ideig távolítsa el vagy fedje be a méhkaptárakat/- Virágzó gyomnvények
jelenléte esetén nem alkalmazható/- Virágzás eltt távolítsa el a gyomnvényeket/(megadott idpont) eltt
nem alkalmazható.
MT: Perikolu gan-naal/Sabiex tares in-naal u insetti ora tad-dakra tapplikax fuq uu tar-raba’ meta jkunu
bilfjur/ Tuax fejn in-naal ikun qed jirga sew/Nei jew agtti l-arar tan-naal waqt l-applikazzjoni u gal
(speifika l-in) wara t-trattament/Tapplikax meta jkun hemm axix ain bil-fjur/Nei l-axix ain qabel ma
jwarrad/ Tapplikax qabel (speifika l-in).
NL: Gevaarlijk voor bijen./Om de bijen en andere bestuivende insecten te beschermen mag u dit product niet
gebruiken op in bloei staande gewassen./Gebruik dit product niet op plaatsen waar bijen actief naar voedsel
zoeken./Verwijder of bedek bijenkorven tijdens het gebruik van het product en gedurende (geef de tijdsduur aan)
na de behandeling./Gebruik dit product niet in de buurt van in bloei staand onkruid./Verwijder onkruid voordat
het bloeit./Gebruik dit product niet vóór (geef de datum of de periode aan).
PL: [Niebezpieczne dla pszczó/W celu ochrony pszczó i innych owadów zapylajcych nie stosowa na roliny
uprawne w czasie kwitnienia/Nie uywa w miejscach gdzie pszczoy maj poytek/Usuwa lub przykrywa ule
podczas zabiegu i przez (okreli czas) po zabiegu/Nie stosowa kiedy wystpuj kwitnce chwasty/Usuwa
chwasty przed kwitnieniem/Nie stosowa przed (okreli czas).
PT: Perigoso para as abelhas./Para proteco das abelhas e de outros insectos polinizadores, no aplicar este produto
durante a florao das culturas./No utilizar este produto durante o período de presena das abelhas nos
campos./- Remover ou cobrir as colmeias durante a aplicao do produto e durante (indicar o período) após
o tratamento./No aplicar este produto na presena de infestantes em florao./ Remover as infestantes antes da
florao./No aplicar antes de (critério temporal a precisar).

L 155/198
Official Journal of the European Union
RO: Periculos pentru albine!/Pentru a proteja albinele i alte insecte polenizatoare nu aplicai pe plante n timpul
nfloritului!/ Nu utilizai produsul n timpul sezonului activ al albinelor!/ ndeprtai sau acoperii stupii n
timpul aplicrii i (s se specifice perioada de timp) dup tratament!/Nu aplicai produsul n perioada de nflorire
a buruienilor!/Distrugei buruienile nainte de nflorire!/Nu aplicai nainte de (s se specifice perioada de timp)!
SK: Nebezpen pre vely/Z dvodu ochrany viel a iného opeujúceho hmyzu neaplikujte na plodiny v ase
kvetu/Nepouívajte, ke sa v okolí nachádzajú vely/Poas aplikácie a (uvete as) po aplikácii úle prikryte
alebo presute na iné miesto/Neaplikujte, ke sa v okolí nachádzajú kvitnúce buriny/ Odstráte buriny pred
kvitnutím/Neaplikujte pred (uvete as).
SL: Nevarno za ebele./Zaradi zaite ebel in drugih uelk opraevalcev ne tretirati rastlin med cvetenjem./Ne
tretirati v asu pae ebel./Med tretiranjem in (navede se asovno obdobje) po tretiranju odstraniti ali pokriti
ebelje panje./Ne tretirati v prisotnosti cvetoega plevela./Odstraniti plevel pred cvetenjem./Ne tretirati pred
(navede se asovno obdobje).
FI: Vaarallista mehilisille./Mehilisten
ja muiden plyttvien hynteisten suojelemiseksi ei saa kytt viljelykasvien
kukinta-aikaan./Ei saa kytt aikana, jolloin mehiliset lentvt aktiivisesti./Mehilispest poistettava tai
suojattava levittmisen ajaksi ja (aika) ajaksi ksittelyn jlkeen./Ei saa kytt, jos alueella on kukkivia rikkak
asveja./Poista rikkakasvit ennen kukinnan alkua./Ei saa kytt ennen (aika).
SV: Farligt fr bin./Fr att skydda bin och andra pollinerande insekter, anvnd inte denna produkt p blommande
grda./Fr inte anvndas dr bin aktivt sker efter fda./Avlgsna eller tck ver bikupor under behandling och
under (ange tidsperiod) efter behandling./Anvnd inte denna produkt d det finns blommande ogrs./Avlgsna
ogrs fre blomning./ Anvnd inte denna produkt fre (ange tidsperiod).
2.3. Safety precautions related to good agricultural practice
SPa 1
BG: Да не се прилага този или друг продукт, съдържащ (да се посочи активното вещество или групата активни
вещества според случая) повече от (да се посочи броя на приложенията или срока), за да се избегне развитието на
ES: Para evitar la aparición de resistencias, no aplicar este producto ni ningún otro que contenga (indíquese la
sustancia activa o la clase de sustancias, según corresponda) más de (indíquese el número de aplicaciones o el
CS: K zabránění vzniku rezistence neaplikujte tento ani ádn jin pípravek, kter obsahuje (uvete úinnou látku
nebo popípadě skupinu úinnch látek) více/déle ne (uvete etnost aplikací nebo lhtu).
DA: For at undg udviklingen af resistens m dette produkt eller andre produkter, der indeholder (angiv aktivstof
eller gruppe af aktivstoffer), kun anvendes/ikke anvendes mere end (i tidsperioden eller antal gange).
DE: Zur Vermeidung einer Resistenzbildung darf dieses oder irgendein anderes Mittel, welches (entsprechende
Benennung des Wirkstoffes oder der Wirkstoffgruppe) enthlt, nicht mehr als (Angabe der Hufigkeit oder
der Zeitspanne) ausgebracht werden.
ET: Resistentsuse tekkimise vltimiseks seda vi ükskik millist muud vahendit mitte kasutada rohkem kui (kasuta
miskordade arv vi mratletav periood), mis sisaldab (mratleda vastavalt toimeaine vi ainete liik).
EL: Προκειμνου να μην αναπτυχθε ανθεκτικτητα μην χρησιμοποιετε αυτ οποιοδποτε λλο προν που περιχει
(προσδιορστε τη δραστικ ουσα την κατηγορα των ουσιν αναλγω) περισστερο απ (να προσδιοριστε η
συχντητα) φορ.
EN: To avoid the build-up of resistance do not apply this or any other product containing (identify active substance
or class of substances, as appropriate) more than (number of applications or time period to be specified).
FR: Pour éviter le développement de résistances, ne pas appliquer ce produit ou tout autre contenant (préciser la
substance ou la famille de substances selon le cas) plus de (nombre d’applications ou durée à préciser).
IT: Per evitare l’insorgenza di resistenza non applicare questo o altri prodotti contenenti (indicare la sostanza attiva
o la classe di sostanze, a seconda del caso) più di (numero di applicazioni o durata da precisare).
LV: Lai izvairītos no rezistences veidoanās, nelietot o vai jebkuru citu augu aizsardzības līdzekli, kur satur …
(norāda darbīgās vielas vai darbīgo vielu grupas nosaukumu) vairāk nekā … (norāda apstrāu skaitu vai laiku).

11.6.2011 Official
Union L
LT: Siekiant ivengti atsparumo isivystymo, nenaudoti io produkto ar kito produkto, kurio sudtyje yra (nurodyti
veikliaj mediag ar mediag grup) daniau kaip (nurodyti apdorojim skaii arba laikotarp).
HU: Rezisztancia kialakulásának elkerülése érdekében ezt vagy (a megfelel hatóanyag vagy anyagcsoport)-ot tart
almazó bármilyen más készítményt ne használja (az elírt kezelésszám vagy idszakok)-nál tbbszr/hosszabb
MT: Sabiex tevita li tinbena reistenza tapplikax dan jew xi prodott ieor li jkun fih (identifika s-sustanza jew klassi
ta’ sustanzi attivi kif imiss) aktar minn (l-gadd ta’ applikazzjonijiet jew il-in li gandu jkun speifikat)
NL: Om resistentieopbouw te voorkomen mag u dit product of andere producten die (geef naar gelang van het geval
de naam van de werkzame stof of van de categorie werkzame stoffen) bevatten, niet vaker gebruiken dan (geef
het aantal toepassingen aan)/niet langer gebruiken dan (geef de tijdsduur aan).
PL: W celu uniknicia powstawania odpornoci nie stosowa tego lub adnego innego produktu zawierajcego
(okreli substancj aktywn lub klas substancji, kiedy dotyczy) nie duej ni (okrelony czas)/nie czciej ni
(okrelona czstotliwo).
PT: Para evitar o desenvolvimento de resistências, no aplicar este produto ou qualquer outro que contenha (indicar,
consoante o caso, a substncia activa ou a família de substncias activas) mais de (número ou período de
aplicaes a precisar).
RO: Pentru a evita apariia rezistenei nu aplicai acest produs sal orice alt produs coninnd (s se specifice substana
activ sal clasa de substane, dup caz) mai mult de (s se specifice numrul de tratamente sau perioada de
SK: Na zabránenie vzniku rezistencie neaplikujte tento alebo in prípravok obsahujúci (uvete úinnú látku alebo
skupinu látok) dlhie ako (upresnite poet aplikácií alebo asov úsek).
SL: Zaradi prepreevanja nastanka odpornosti ne uporabljati tega ali drugih sredstev, ki vsebujejo (navede se aktivno
snov ali skupino aktivnih snovi) ve kot (navede se asovno obdobje ali tevilo tretiranj).
FI: Resistenssin
ei saa kytt
tt tai
mit tahansa
muuta tuotetta,
joka sislt
mukaan tehoaine tai aineluokka), kytt useammin (kytttiheys).
SV: Fr att undvika utveckling av resistens anvnd inte denna produkt eller andra produkter innehllande (ange
verksamt mne eller grupp av mnen) mer n (ange antal behandlingar eller tidsperiod).
2.4. Specific safety precautions for rodenticides (SPr)
SPr 1
BG: Примамките да се поставят така, че да бъде сведен до минимум риска от консумация от други животни.
Блоковите примамки да се поставят така, че да не могат да бъдат разнесени от гризачи.
ES: Los cebos deben colocarse de forma que se evite el riesgo de ingestión por otros animales. Asegurar los cebos
de manera que los roedores no puedan llevárselos.
CS: Nástrahy musí bt kladeny tak, aby se minimalizovalo riziko poití jinmi zvíaty. Zabezpete nástrahy, aby
nemohly bt hlodavci rozvlékány.
DA: Produktet skal anbringes p en sdan mde, at risikoen for, at andre dyr kan indtage produktet, formindskes
mest muligt. F.eks. ved at produktet anbringes inde i en kasse med sm indgangshuller til gnaverne eller inde i
gnavernes eget gangsystem. Pas p, at produkt i blokform ikke kan flyttes vk af de gnavere, der skal
DE: Die Kder verdeckt und unzugnglich für andere Tiere ausbringen. Kder sichern, so dass ein Verschleppen
durch Nagetiere nicht mglich ist.
ET: Peibutusst tuleb ohutult ladustada selliselt, et minimeerida teiste loomade poolt tarbimise ohtu. Peibutussd
abriketid kindlustada selliselt, et nrilised neid ra vedada ei saaks.
EL: Τα δολματα θα πρπει να τοποθετηθον με τρπο ττοιο που να ελαχιστοποιηθε η πιθαντητα να καταναλωθον απ
λλα ζα. Ασφαλστε τα δολματα τσι στε να μην μπορον να τα παρασρουν τα τρωκτικ.

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Official Journal of the European Union
EN: The baits must be securely deposited in a way so as to minimise the risk of consumption by other animals.
Secure bait blocks so that they cannot be dragged away by rodents.
FR: Les appts doivent être disposés de manière à minimiser le risque d’ingestion par d’autres animaux. Sécuriser les
appts afin qu’ils ne puissent pas être emmenés par les rongeurs.
IT: Le esche devono essere disposte in modo da minimizzare il rischio di ingerimento da parte di altri animali.
Fissare le esche in modo che non possano essere trascinate via dai roditori.
LV: smu ejā ievietot tā, lai, tā nebūtu pieejama citiem dzīvniekiem. smu nostiprināt, lai grauzēji to nevarētu
LT: Jaukas turi būti saugiai idstytas taip, kad sumat rizika kitiems gyvūnams j vartoti. Jauko blokai turi būti
taip saugomi, kad grauikai negalt j itampyti.
HU: A csalétket úgy kell biztonságosan kihelyezni, hogy a lehet legkisebb legyen annak a veszélye, hogy abból más
állatok is fogyasztanak. A csalétket úgy kell rgzíteni, hogy azt a rágcsálók ne hurcolhassák el.
MT: Il-lixki gandhom jitqegdu hekk li jitnaqqas ir-riskju li jkunu mittiekla minn annimali orajn. Orbot il-blokki
tallixka sew fejn ikunu biex ma’ jiux mkaxkra minn fuq ilpost minn rodenti.
NL: De lokmiddelen moeten zo worden geplaatst dat het risico dat andere dieren ervan eten zoveel mogelijk wordt
beperkt. Maak de blokjes stevig vast, zodat ze niet door de knaagdieren kunnen worden weggesleept.
PL: Przynty musz by rozoone w taki sposób, aby zminimalizowa ryzyko zjedzenia przez inne zwierzta.
Zabezpieczy przynt w ten sposób, aby nie moga zosta wywleczona przez gryzonie.
PT: Colocar os iscos de modo a minimizar o risco de ingesto por outros animais. Fixar os iscos, para que no
possam ser arrastados pelos roedores.
RO: Momeala trebuie depozitat n condiii de securitate astfel nct s se micoreze riscul de a fi consumat de ctre
alte animale! A se asigura momeala astfel nct s nu poat fi mutat de ctre roztoare!
SK: Návnady sa musia umiestni tak, aby sa k nim nedostali iné zvieratá. Zabezpete návnady tak, aby ich hlodavce
nemohli odtiahnu.
SL: Vabe je treba nastaviti varno, tako da je tveganje zauitja za druge ivali minimalno. Zavarovati vabe tako, da jih
glodalci ne morejo raznesti.
FI: Sytit on sijoitettava siten, ett ne eivt eiheuta riski muille elimille. Sytit on kiinnitettv siten, ett jyrsijt
eivt saa viety niit mukanaan.
SV: Betena mste placeras s att andra djur inte kan frtra dem. Frankra betena s att de inte kan slpas ivg av
SPr 2
BG: Третираните площи трябва да бъдат обозначени в периода на третиране. Да се посочи опасността от отравяне
(първично или вторично) с антикоагуланта и да се укаже неговата противоотрова.
ES: La zona tratada debe sealizarse durante el tratamiento. Debe advertirse del riesgo de intoxicación (primaria o
secundaria) por el anticoagulante así como del antídoto correspondiente.
CS: Plocha urená k oetení musí bt během oetování oznaena. Je teba upozornit na nebezpeí otravy (primární
nebo sekundární) antikoagulantem a uvést protijed.
DA: Det behandlede omrde skal afmrkes i behandlingsperioden. Faren for forgiftning (primr eller sekundr) ved
indtagelse af antikoaguleringsmidler, samt modgiften herfor, skal nvnes p opslag.
DE: Die zu behandelnde Flche muss whrend der Behandlungszeit markiert sein. Die Gefahr der (primren oder
sekundren) Vergiftung durch das Antikoagulans und dessen Gegenmittel sollte erwhnt werden.

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ET: Kideldud ala tuleb kitlemisperioodiks mrgistada. Antikoagulandi mürgituse (esmane vi teisene) oht ning selle
vastane antidoot peab olema ra mainitud.
EL: Η περιοχ στην οποα χει χρησιμοποιηθε το προν πρπει να χει σημαδευτε κατ την περοδο χρση. Θα πρπει
να αναφρεται ο κνδυνο (πρωτογενο δευτερογενο) δηλη- τηραση απ το αντιπηκτικ καθ και το αντδοτο
σε περπτωση δηλητηραση.
EN: Treatment area must be marked during the treatment period. The danger from being poisoned (primary or
secondary) by the anticoagulant and the antidote against it should be mentioned.
FR: La zone de traitement doit faire l’objet d’un marquage pendant la période de traitement. Le risque d’empoison
nement (primaire ou secondaire) par l’anticoagulant, ainsi que son antidote doivent être mentionnés.
IT: Durante il trattamento la zona interessata deve essere chiaramente segnalata. Il pericolo di avvelenamento
(primario o secondario) dovuto all’anticoagulante deve essere evidenziato assieme al relativo antidoto.
LV: Apstrādes laikā apstrādājamo platību marēt. Norādīt saindēanās (primārās vai sekundārās) apdraudējumu ar
antikoagulantu un tā antidotu.
LT: Apdorojami plotai turi būti paymti vis apdorojimo laikotarp. Turi būti pamintas apsinuodijimo antikoa
guliantu pavojus (tiesioginis ar netiesioginis) ir nurodytas prienuodis.
HU: A kezelt területet a kezelés ideje alatt küln jelléssel kell megjellni. A jellésben fel kell hívni a figyelmet a
véralvadásgátló szertl való mérgezdés veszélyére és annak ellenszerére.
MT: Il-post ittrattat gandu jkun immarkat filwaqt li jkun qieged jii itrattat. Gandu jissemma l-periklu ta’
avvelenament (primarju jew sekondarju) bl-antikoagulant u l-antitodu tiegu.
NL: De behandelde zone moet tijdens de verdelgingsperiode worden gemarkeerd. Het risico van een (primaire of
secundaire) vergiftiging door het antistollingsmiddel moet worden vermeld, alsmede het tegengif.
PL: Obszar poddany zabiegowi musi by oznakowany podczas zabiegu. Niebezpieczestwo zatrucia (pierwotnego
lub wtórnego) antykoagulantem i antidotum powinno by wyszczególnione.
PT: Durante o período de tratamento, marcar a zona, com meno ao perigo de envenenamento (primário ou
secundário) pelo anticoagulante e indicao do antídoto deste último.
RO: Zona de tratament trebuie marcat n timpul perioadei de aplicare! A se meniona riscul de otrvire (principal i
secundar) cu anticoagulant i antitodul specific!
SK: Oetrovaná plocha sa poas oetrenia musí oznai. Musí sa uvies nebezpeenstvo monej otravy (primárnej
alebo sekundárnej) antikoagulantami a protilátky.
SL: Tretirano obmoje je treba v asu tretiranja oznaiti. Navesti je treba nevarnost zastrupitve (neposredne ali
posredne) z antikoagulanti in ustrezne antidote.
FI: Ksiteltv alue on merkittv ksittelyaikana. Antikoagulantin aiheuttama myrkytysvaara (primaarinen tai
sekundaarinen) ja vasta-aine mainittava.
SV: Det behandlade omrdet skall markeras under behandlingsperioden. Faran fr frgiftning (primr eller sekundr)
av antikoagulanten samt motgift skall anges.
SPr 3
BG: Мъртвите гризачи да се отстраняват от третираната площ всеки ден през целия период на третиране. Да не се
изхвърлят в кофи за боклук или на сметища.
ES: Durante el tratamiento, los roedores muertos deben retirarse diariamente de la zona tratada. No tirarlos en
cubos de basura ni en vertederos.

L 155/202
Official Journal of the European Union
CS: Mrtvé hlodavce během doby pouití pípravku denně odstraujte. Neodkládejte je do nádob na odpadky ani na
DA: Dde gnavere skal fjernes fra behandlingsomrdet hver dag. Anbring ikke de dde gnavere i bne affalds
DE: Tote Nager whrend der Einsatzperiode tglich entfernen. Nicht in Müllbehltern oder auf Müllkippen entsorgen.
ET: Surnud nrilised tuleb eemaldada kitlemisalalt kitlemise ajal iga pev. Mitte panna prügikastidesse vi prügi
mahapaneku kohtadesse.
EL: Τα νεκρ τρωκτικ πρπει να απομακρνονται καθημεριν απ την περιοχ χρση σε λη τη διρκεια χρησιμοποηση
του προντο. Να μην τοποθετονται σε κδου απορ- ριμμτων οτε σε σακολε σκουπιδιν.
EN: Dead rodents must be removed from the treatment area each day during treatment. Do not place in refuse bins
or on rubbish tips.
FR: Les rongeurs morts doivent être retirés quotidiennement de la zone de traitement pendant toute la période du
traitement. Ne pas les jeter dans les poubelles ni les décharges.
IT: I roditori morti devono essere rimossi quotidianamente dalla zona del trattamento per tutta la durata dello
stesso e non devono essere gettati nei rifiuti o nelle discariche.
LV: Apstrādes laikā beigtos grauzējus no apstrādātās platības aizvākt katru dienu. Neizmest tos atkritumu tvertnēs
vai kaudzēs.
LT: uv grauikai turi būti surenkami i apdoroto ploto kiekvien dien viso naikinimo metu. Nemesti i iukli
des arba svartynus.
HU: Az elhullott rágcsálókat a kezelés alatt naponta el kell távolítani a kezelt területrl. A tetemeket tilos hulladék
tartályban vagy hulladéklerakóban elhelyezni.
MT: Gandhom jitneew kuljum ir-rodenti mejta mill-post ittrattat. Tarmihomx f’kontenituri ta-ibel jew fuq
NL: Tijdens de verdelgingsperiode moeten de knaagdieren elke dag uit de behandelde zone worden verwijderd. Gooi
ze niet in vuilnisbakken of op storten.
PL: Martwe gryzonie usuwa z obszaru poddanego zabiegowi kadego dnia. Nie wyrzuca do pojemników na
mieci i nie wywozi na wysypiska mieci.
PT: Durante o período de tratamento, remover diariamente os roedores mortos da zona de tratamento, mas sem os
deitar ao lixo ou depositar em lixeiras.
RO: Roztoarele moarte trebuie s fie ndeprtate din zona tratat n fiecare zi n timpul tratamentului! A nu se
arunca n recipientele pentru gunoi sau la gropile de gunoi!
SK: Mtve hlodavce treba z oetrovanej plochy kad de odstráni. Nehádte ich do odpadovch nádob alebo na
SL: Poginule glodalce je treba odstraniti s tretiranega obmoja sproti, vsak dan v asu tretiranja, vendar ne v
zabojnike za odpadke ali odlagalia smeti.
FI: Kuolleet
on kerttv
SV: Dda gnagare skall tas bort frn behandlingsomrdet varje dag under behandlingen. Fr inte lggas i soptunnor
eller p soptipp.

11.6.2011 Official
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3. Attribution
3.1. Introduction
In general, plant-protection products are only authorised for those specified uses, which are acceptable on the basis
of an assessment according to the uniform principles laid down in the Annex to Regulation (EU) No [Office of
Publications please insert number-Commission Regulation (EU) No …/… of […] implementing Regulation (EC) No
1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards uniform principles for evaluation and auth
orisation of plant protection products].
As far as applicable, the specific safety precautions shall reflect the results of such assessments according to the
uniform principles and shall be applied in particular in those cases where risk-mitigation measures are necessary to
prevent unacceptable effects.
3.2. Attribution criteria for standard phrases for safety precautions for operators
SPo 1
After contact with skin, first remove product with a dry cloth and then wash the skin with plenty of water.
The phrase shall be assigned for plant-protection products containing ingredients which may react violently with
water, such as cyanide salts or aluminium phosphide.
SPo 2
Wash all protective clothing after use.
The phrase is recommended when protective clothing is required to protect operators. It is obligatory for all plant
protection products classified as T or T+.
SPo 3
After igniting the product, do not inhale smoke and leave the treated area immediately.
The phrase may be assigned to plant-protection products used for fumigation in cases where the use of a respiratory
mask is not warranted.
SPo 4
The container must be opened outdoors and in dry conditions.
The phrase shall be assigned to plant-protection products containing active substances which may react violently
with water or damp air, such as aluminium phosphide, or which may cause spontaneous combustion, such as
(alkylenebis-) dithiocarbamates. This phrase may also be assigned to volatile products classified with R20, 23 or 26.
Expert judgement must be applied in individual cases, to assess whether the properties of the preparation and the
packaging are such as to cause harm to the operator.
SPo 5
Ventilate treated areas/greenhouses thoroughly/time to be specified/until spray has dried before re-entry.
The phrase may be assigned to plant-protection products used in greenhouses or other confined spaces, such as
3.3. Attribution criteria for standard phrases for safety precautions for the environment
SPe 1
To protect groundwater/soil organisms do not apply this or any other product containing (identify active substance or
class of substances, as appropriate) more than (time period or frequency to be specified).
The phrase shall be assigned to plant-protection products for which an evaluation according to the uniform
principles shows for one or more of the labelled uses that risk-mitigation measures are necessary to avoid accumu
lation in soil, effects on earthworms or other soil-dwelling organisms or soil microflora and/or contamination of

L 155/204
Official Journal of the European Union
SPe 2
To protect groundwater/effects on aquatic organisms do not apply to (soil type or situation to be specified) soils.
The phrase may be assigned as a risk-mitigation measure to avoid any potential contamination of groundwater or
surface water under vulnerable conditions (e.g. associated to soil type, topography or for drained soils), if an
evaluation according to the uniform principles shows for one or more of the labelled uses that risk-mitigation
measures are necessary to avoid unacceptable effects.
SPe 3
To protect aquatic organisms/non-target plants/non-target arthropods/insects respect an unsprayed buffer zone of
(distance to be specified) to non-agricultural land/surface water bodies.
The phrase shall be assigned to protect non-target plants, non-target arthropods and/or aquatic organisms, if an
evaluation according to the uniform principles shows for one or more of the labelled uses that risk-mitigation
measures are necessary to avoid unacceptable effects.
SPe 4
To protect aquatic organisms/non-target plants do not apply on impermeable surfaces such as asphalt, concrete,
cobblestones, railway tracks and other situations with a high risk of run-off.
Depending on the use pattern of the plant-protection product, Member States may assign the phrase to mitigate the
risk of run-off in order to protect aquatic organisms or non-target plants.
SPe 5
To protect birds/wild mammals the product must be entirely incorporated in the soil; ensure that the product is also
fully incorporated at the end of rows.
The phrase shall be assigned to plant-protection products, such as granules or pellets, which must be incorporated to
protect birds or wild mammals.
SPe 6
To protect birds/wild mammals remove spillages.
The phrase shall be assigned to plant-protection products, such as granules or pellets, to avoid uptake by birds or
wild mammals. It is recommended for all solid formulations, which are used undiluted.
SPe 7
Do not apply during bird breeding period.
The phrase shall be assigned when an evaluation according to the uniform principles shows that for one or more of
the labelled uses such a mitigation measure is necessary.
SPe 8
Dangerous to bees/To protect bees and pollinating insects do not apply to crop plants when in flower/Do not use
where bees are actively foraging/Remove or cover beehives during application and for (state time) after treatment/Do
not apply when flowering weeds are present/Remove weeds before flowering/Do not apply before (state time)
The phrase shall be assigned to plant-protection products for which an evaluation according to the uniform
principles shows for one or more of the labelled uses that risk-mitigation measures must be applied to protect
bees or other pollinating insects. Depending on the use pattern of the plant-protection product, and other relevant
national regulatory provisions, Member States may select the appropriate phrasing to mitigate the risk to bees and
other pollinating insects and their brood.

11.6.2011 Official
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3.4. Attribution criteria for standard phrases for safety precautions for good agricultural practice
SPa 1
To avoid the build-up of resistance do not apply this or any other product containing (identify active substance or class
of substances, as appropriate) more than (number of applications or time period to be specified).
The phrase shall be assigned when such a restriction appears necessary to limit the risk of development of resistance.
3.5. Attribution criteria for standard phrases for specific safety precautions for rodenticides
SPr 1
The baits must be securely deposited in a way so as to minimise the risk of consumption by other animals. Secure
bait blocks so that they cannot be dragged away by rodents.
To ensure compliance of operators the phrase shall appear prominently on the label, so that misuse is excluded as
far as possible.
SPr 2
Treatment area must be marked during the treatment period. The danger from being poisoned (primary or
secondary) by the anticoagulant and the antidote against it shall be mentioned.
The phrase shall appear prominently on the label, so that accidental poisoning is excluded as far as possible.
SPr 3
Dead rodents must be removed from the treatment area each day during treatment. Do not place in refuse bins or
on rubbish tips.
To avoid secondary poisoning of animals the phrase shall be assigned to all rodenticides containing anticoagulants as
active substances.


